Instagram Post
Friday 7th February 2025
Lights 💡Camera 📸 Action 🎬 Our On The Right Track Travel Project team funded by @avantiwestcoast have been busy working with Viper Productions to create educational Travel Training videos sharing information, experiences and top tips! 🚝 More details to follow soon! 📽️ #inclusive #travel #traveltraining
Published by ig on 2025-02-07T08:00:20+0000
Instagram Post
Thursday 6th February 2025
Today our @mencapliverpool Outreach Champions met @thecroissantl7 - thank you Sue for accommodating us😍😍😍 We had a lot to get through today 📝 - we talked about a project we will be working on with @mencap and we also went through the survey from Mencap asking for peopels views on the NHS 🏥. It was a really interesting discussion with members sharing experiences and suggestions.🗣 If you would like your say then complete the survey below: Brilliant teamwork everyone 👏 👏👏
Published by ig on 2025-02-06T17:48:13+0000
Instagram Post
Thursday 6th February 2025
Last Thursday @mencapliverpool Mencap Members Voice met for their meeting and one of the things that was decided on was electing a Deputy Chair for the group. Adam and Ste were voted to be Co - Deputy Chairs - congratulations guys!
Published by ig on 2025-02-06T17:29:33+0000
Instagram Post
Monday 3rd February 2025
Recording for our @mencapliverpool show "Reach Out" which is aired on @lcr_106.7fm began last week. Lewis had decided that for this episode he would like to talk about the Learning Disability Awareness Training he is involved in. Lewis invited Dr Fiona Greeley from @uniofliv and Hilary Harper Learning Disability Health Care Facilitator from @merseycarenhsft who are part of the team who deliver the training to 4th Year Student Doctors to come on the show and be interviewed by Lewis. Fiona and Hilary did a brilliant job answering all of Lewis's questions, talking about the training and why it is important and the difference it makes. Ste Faragher from @lcr_106.7fm said it was the best show Lewis had created so far. Great job Lewis and thank you Fiona and Hilary - watch this space as it will be going out over the airwaves soon as well as downloadable on Spreaker.
Published by ig on 2025-02-03T19:14:09+0000
Instagram Post
Monday 3rd February 2025
Last Thursday Lewis was recording his part of the @mencapliverpool Radio Show "Reach Out" on @lcr_106.7fm Lewis had been working on this show for a long time and it is going to be about the Learning Disability Awareness Training that he is involved with. We work with @livuni and @merseycarenhsft to deliver this training to 4th Year Student Doctors. Lewis's friends popped in to wish him good luck before the show - thank you everyone.
Published by ig on 2025-02-03T19:01:10+0000
Instagram Post
Monday 3rd February 2025
This was our first Pony Club session of the year at @beechleystablesrda and it was fabulous to see everyone again! 🐴☺️ We had a catch up over some tea and biscuits Then everyone got to work on some Horse Grooming, while learning about why it's so important, it helps prevent injuries, it encourages muscle stimulation and helps the horses feel happier and healthier! Thanks to everyone at Beechley Stables for making us feel so welcome as always and we can't wait until we are back for next months session!
Published by ig on 2025-02-03T14:49:24+0000
EasyFundraising for Mencap Liverpool & Sefton!
30th January 2025
Can’t afford to donate but like to shop? Please support us by signing up to EasyFundraising! It only takes a minute and won’t cost you a penny!
EasyFundraising partners with over 7,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend on your shopping to a cause of your choice. It won't cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand.
Brands pay us a commission because when you start your shop from the EasyFundraising website or app, they can see we sent you to them. If you make a purchase, a commission is generated, and we turn that into a donation - magic!
You can sign up to support Mencap Liverpool and Sefton, via Easyfundraising here:
Published by tom on Thu Jan 30 2025 18:34:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Thursday Club with the SoSo Choir
Thursday 9th May 2024
Thursday Club has been meeting for 61 years at Mencap Community Cottage and are very much a part of the fabric of the local area in Crosby.
Thursday Club members are a fantastic group of friends - some of our members went to school together, or day services and this is the only place where people get to meet up with friends.
Each quarter our Outreach Manager plans a program of sessions which has been informed by our members at the yearly review.
Members get to get involved with a wide range of things - art, zumba, accessible bikes, silent discos, Boos Zoo visits, coach trips and more.
Every session is supported by a member of our staff team either our Outreach Manager, Progressions Coordinator or Fundraising and Communities Coordinator who work as a team to support our members and team of volunteers to have a fantastic evening each week!
This week we welcomed Su Grainger and some members of her SoSo (Singing Our Socks Off) Choir and it was an absolutely incredible evening!
Su and her team sing with our members and also sing requests and invite our members to sing and dance.
As well as the Choir we had an artistic corner where people got creative and it was a lovely evening.
Big thank you to Su and her Choir and our fantastic team of volunteers who make our Thursday Club possible.
Published by Jo on Fri May 10 2024 12:41:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Open Afternoon at Mencap Community Cottage
Wednesday 17th April 2024
On Wednesday 17th April we held an Open Afternoon at Mencap Community Cottage - everyone was welcome to drop in and find out more about:
⭐️ becoming a member
⭐️ or a volunteer
⭐️ the sessions organised for our members
⭐️ the improvements we have made to our building
⭐️ our future plans to make the building even better
⭐️our community sessions
⭐️our superb Coffee at Mencap
The day was a real success and our members worked incredibly hard showing people around, meeting and greeting people, talking about Mencap Liverpool and Sefton, manning information tables, serving tea and coffee and selling some of the indoor plants we have grown. Thank you to our members for your hardwork.
We were really lucky to have photographer June Poston LRPS come along for the afternoon and take these brilliant photos. Halton Day Service Samba Band opened our event and our members had an impromptu Sumba session supported by our Zumba Instructor Louise Rooney - the photos taken by June truly capture the happiness and confidence people felt.
We are so thankful to the people who volunteer their time to help in such a huge range of ways - thank you, thank you, thank you.
Published by Jo on Thu May 09 2024 17:15:42 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)